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Text File  |  1997-04-25  |  35KB  |  491 lines

  1. ^SLNG-0001.ANS;^C14,0;Your real name : ^C14,1;^L35,CAPITFIRST;^C15,0;^M;^M;
  2. ^SLNG-0002.ANS;^C14,0;Verify: Are you @NAME@ from @CITY@? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^C15,0;^M;^M;
  3. ^SLNG-0003.ANS;^C14,0;Your password : ^C14,1;^L15,HIDDEN;^C15,0;^M;^M;
  4. ^C15,0;Password verified. Correct password was entered. You can now continue^M;logging on to the system.^M;^M;
  5. ^C12,0;Password failure.^M;^SLNG-0005.ANS;
  6. ^C12,0;You did not correctly give your personal password to enter this system.^M;^SLNG-0006.ANS;^C14,0;Do you want to leave mail to the system operator? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^C15,0;^M;
  7. ^C12,0;Name @NAME@ was not located in our local system user files.^M;^SLNG-0007.ANS;^C14,0;Verify: Are you @NAME@? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^C15,0;^M;
  8. ^C15,0;Checking if there is any new personal mail to you in your mail box.^M;Please stand by.^M;^SLNG-0008.ANS;
  9. ^C11,0;@MAREA_NUM@:05  @MAREA_GROUP@.03  @MAREA_NAME@.45     @MAREA_PERS@:05   @MAREA_MAX@:05^X-80;^C14,0;
  10. ^C15,0;I__ From: ^C11,0;@MSG_FROM@.25 ^C15,0;^C13,0;Date: ^C11,0;@MSG_DATE@^M;    ^C15,0;Subject: ^C11,0;@MSG_SUBJ@^M;
  11. ^M;^C12,0;Your mail box does not contain any new personal mail addressed to you.^C15,0;^M;^M;
  12. ^SLNG-0012.ANS;^C14,0;Would you like to read your new personal mail now? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^C15,0;^M;^M;
  13. Yes, please.
  14. No, thank you.
  15. Male
  16. Female
  17. ^C12,0;There are no (new) messages to read.^M;^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  18. ^X-79;^C11,0;@FAREA_NUM@:05  @FAREA_GROUP@.03  @FAREA_NAME@^E3;^C15,0;
  19. ^X-79;^C15,0;^E3;
  20. ^C12,0;There are no (new) files to list.^M;^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  21. ^C15,0;Viewing file...^M;^M;^C13,0;Name : ^C11,0;@TRUE_FILE_NAME@^M;^C13,0;Size : ^C11,0;@FILE_SIZE_BYTES@^M;^C13,0;Date : ^C11,0;@FILE_DATE_NORMAL@^M;^C15,0;
  22. ^C13,0;I__ Name : ^C11,0;@VIEW_FILENAME@.12   ^C13,0;Size : ^C11,0;@VIEW_ORIGSIZE@:07   ^C13,0;Date : ^C11,0;@VIEW_FILEDATE@^C15,0;^M;
  23. ^C7,0;%1   ^C15,0;%2  ^C14,0;%3^M;
  24. ^SLNG-0024.ANS;^C14,0;Enter keyword to search files by and possible additional parameters :^M;^C14,1;^L79;^C15,0;^M;
  25. ^SLNG-0025.ANS;^C14,0;Enter filemask to search files by and possible additional parameters :^M;^C14,1;^L79;^C15,0;^M;
  26. ^C15,0;Date format: @CURRDATEFMT@^M;^M;^C14,0;Search all files from combined file areas which are newer than date : ^C14,1;^L8;^C15,0;^M;
  27. ^C12,1; The given search string was not found in the list. ^SLNG0241B.ANS;
  28. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@FAREA_NUM@:05  ^C13,0;@FAREA_COMB@:01   ^C11,0;@FAREA_GROUP@.03   ^C15,0;@FAREA_NAME@^E3;^M;
  29. 01,79,014,126,01;@FAREA_NUM@:05  ^C13,N;@FAREA_COMB@:01   ^C11,N;@FAREA_GROUP@.03   ^C15,N;@FAREA_NAME@.62
  30. 013,032,081,063,067,084
  31. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;^C15,0;
  32. 04;^C14,1; Enter area number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  33. ^G1,1;^C14,1;  NUM  ^C13,1;C  ^C11,1;GROUP  ^C15,1;LONG FILE AREA NAME                                           ^C7,0;^M;^SLNG-A001.ANS;
  34. ^SLNG-A001.ANS;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Select, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;C^C14;-Combined, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.  ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  35. ^C14,0;^E3;^M;^M; Enter new area number (? = list) : ^E3;^L5;
  36. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@MAREA_NUM@:05  ^C13,0;@MAREA_COMB@:01@MAREA_SCAN@:01@MAREA_PKT@:01   ^C11,0;@MAREA_GROUP@.03   ^C15,0;@MAREA_NAME@^E3;^M;
  37. 01,79,014,126,01;@MAREA_NUM@:05  ^C13,N;@MAREA_COMB@:01@MAREA_SCAN@:01@MAREA_PKT@:01   ^C11,N;@MAREA_GROUP@.03   ^C15,N;@MAREA_NAME@.60^M;
  38. 013,032,081,063,067,077,084,080
  39. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;
  40. 04;^C14,1; Enter area number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  41. ^G1,1;^C14,1;  NUM  ^C13,1;CMP  ^C11,1;GROUP  ^C15,1;LONG MESSAGE AREA NAME                                      ^C7,0;^M;^SLNG-A001.ANS;
  42. ^SLNG-A001.ANS;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Select, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;C,P,M^C14;-Flags, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump. ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  43. ^C14,0;^E3;^M; Enter new area number (? = list) : ^E3;^L5;
  44. ^C14,0;Press ^C15,4; Enter ^C14,0; to continue.^E3;^A;^X-40;^E3;
  45. ^C14,0;Which file(s) to view (wildcards allowed) : ^C14,1;^L15;^C15,0;^M;
  46. ^C15,0;^E1;
  47. ^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;D^C14;-Down ^C15;U^C14;-Up ^C15;S^C14;-Stop ^C15;A^C14;-Again ^C15;Space^C14;-Flag ^C15;V^C14;-View ^C15;H^C14;-Help ^C15;G^C14;-Next area    ^]@FLIST_MOREDOWN@=0;[END]^]1;^E3;^X-79;
  48. 068,085,083,067,065,336,328,032,070,086,069,060,062,339,072,078
  49. ^C12,0;Insufficient daily limit to download more files.^M;^SLNG-0049.ANS;
  50. ^C12,0;Insufficient download/upload ratio to download more files.^M;^SLNG-0050.ANS;
  51. ^C14,1;@FAREA_NUM@:05  ^C13,1;@FAREA_COMB@:01   ^C11,1;@FAREA_GROUP@.03  ^C15,1;@FAREA_NAME@^E3;^C14,0;^M;
  52. ^C15,0;More? (~1Yes/~2No/~3Cont/~4Back~6/~5Line) ^W;^X-40;^E3;^CN,N;
  53. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@DOOR_NUM@:05   ^C11,0;@DOOR_GROUP@.03   ^C15,0;@DOOR_NAME@^E3;^M;
  54. 01,79,014,126,01;@DOOR_NUM@:05   ^C11,N;@DOOR_GROUP@.03   ^C15,N;@DOOR_NAME@.65
  55. 013,032,081,063,067
  56. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;^C15,0;
  57. 04;^C14,1; Enter door number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  58. ^G1,1;^C14,1;  NUM  ^C11,1;GROUP  ^C15,1;DOOR NAME                                                        ^C7,0;^M;^SLNG-A001.ANS;
  59. ^SLNG-A001.ANS;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Select, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.              ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  60. ^C14,0;^E3;^M;^M; Enter new door number (? = list) : ^E3;^L5;
  61. ^C14,0; Enter files to flag for download (wildcards allowed) : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  62. ^C14,1; Enter files to view (wildcards allowed) : ^E3;^L12;^X-79;
  63. ^C14,1; Enter files to flag for download (wildcards allowed) : ^E3;^L12;^X-79;
  64. ^C12,1; There are no matching files. ^SLNG0241B.ANS;^X-79;
  65. ^SLNG-0065.ANS;^C14,0;Enter reason to yell SysOp : ^C14,1;^L40;^C15,0;^M;
  66. ^C15,0;Calling Sysop for %1 seconds. ^C14,0;Press S to abort.^W;^X-79;^E3;^M;
  67. ^SLNG-0067.ANS;^C14,0;Enter filename to unpack : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  68. ^SLNG-0068.ANS;^C14,0;Select files inside archive to unpack : ^C14,1;^L35;^C15,0;^M;
  69. ^SLNG-0069.ANS;^C14,0;Enter filename to copy : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  70. ^SLNG-0070.ANS;^C14,0;Enter destination archive filename : ^C14,1;^L8;^C15,0;^M;
  71. ^SLNG-0071.ANS;^C14,0;Select files to pack to the archive : ^M;^C14,1;^L35;^C15,0;^M;
  72. ^SLNG-0072.ANS;^C14,0;Enter files to erase : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  73. ^SLNG-0073.ANS;^C14,0;Enter files to list : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  74. ^C15,0;You can view files in temp path. Wildcards are allowed.^M;^C14,0;Enter files to view : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  75. ^C15,0;%1.12 ^C14,0;%2:08 ^C12,0;%3 %4^M;
  76. ^C15,0;Total of %1 files (%2 bytes). Disk space available : %5 bytes.^M;
  77. DIR
  79. ^M;^C14,0;SysOp is here.^M;
  80. ^M;^C14,0;Bye.^M;
  81. ^C12,0;20 seconds until inactivity hangup!^M;
  82. ^C12,0;User inactive - shutting down.^M;
  83. ^C12,0;Less than two minutes left!^M;
  84. ^C12,0;^M;^M;Time limit exceeded - call again tomorrow.^M;
  85. ^C14,0;Enter filename(s) to move to another area : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  86. ^M;^C13,0;Password required (%1) : ^C14,1;^L15,HIDDEN;^C15,0;^M;
  87. ^C12,0;Password failure!^M;
  88. ^C15,0;Ok.^M;
  89. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;^E3;^M;@MSG_NUM@:05  ^C13,0;@MSG_PRIV@:01 ^C11,0;@MSG_FROM@.25  ^C11,0;@MSG_TO@.25  ^C13,0;@MSG_RCVD@:01 ^C12,0;@MSG_DATE@:09^E3;^M;^C15,0;         @MSG_SUBJ@.52^E3;^M;
  90. 01,79,014,126,03;^M;@MSG_NUM@:05
  91. 013,032,081,063,077
  92. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;^C15,0;
  93. 04;^C14,1; Enter msg number to jump : ^E3;^L10,KEEP;
  94. ^G1,1;^C14,1;  NUM  ^C13,1;₧ ^C11,1;FROM                       ^C11,1;TO                       ^C13,1;RCVD ^C12,1;DATE^E3;^C15,0;^M;^C15,1;         SUBJECT^E3;^M;
  95. ^C15,0;^E3;^M;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Select, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.              ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  96. ^X-79;^C14,1;@MAREA_NUM@:05  ^C11,1;@MAREA_GROUP@.03  ^C15,1;@MAREA_NAME@^E3;^C15,0;
  97. ^C14,0;File to upload (^C15,0;Enter ^C14,0;to stop) : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  98. ^C14,0;Enter descriptions for files to upload^M;
  99. ^X-79;^E3;^C12,0;%1.12 ^C14,1;^L60;^C15,0;
  100. ^X-79;^E3;             ^C14,1;^L60;^C15,0;
  101. ^C15,0;Next file in transfer queue : ^C12,0;%1^C15,0;.^M;
  102.  Press Ctrl-R to redraw screen, Ctrl-W to clear window, Ctrl-Z to end chat.
  103. ^C15,0;Online message from ^C11,0;%1 ^C15,0;on node ^C11,0;%2 ^C15,0;:^M;^C14,0;
  104. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@WHO_NUM@:05 ^C15,0;@WHO_NAME@.25 ^C11,0;@WHO_CITY@.25 ^C12,0;@WHO_BPSRATE@:05 ^C13,0;@WHO_WHATDONE@^E3;^M;
  105. 01,37,014,126,01;@WHO_NUM@:05 ^C15,N;@WHO_NAME@.25 ^C11,N;@WHO_CITY@.25 ^C12,N;@WHO_BPSRATE@:05 ^C13,N;@WHO_WHATDONE@^E3;
  106. 013,032,081,063
  107. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;^C15,0;
  108. 04;^C14,1; Enter node number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  109. ^G1,1;^C14,1; NODE ^C15,1;NAME                      ^C11,1;CITY                        ^C12,1;BPS ^C13,1;DURWQYN^E3;^C15,0;^M;^E3;^M;
  110. ^C15,0;^E3;^M;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Send message, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.^E3;
  111. DOWN
  112. Waiting for call
  113. Doing nothing special
  114. Downloading file(s)
  115. Uploading file(s)
  116. Reading message(s)
  117. Writing message
  118. Chatting with %1
  119. Using door %1
  120. Logging in
  121. Using QWK/OMEN offline msg system
  122. Browsing filelist
  123. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@BBSLIST_NUM@:05 ^C15,0;@BBSLIST_NAME@.25  ^C12,0;@BBSLIST_BPSRATE@:05  ^C11,0;@BBSLIST_NUMBER@.15  ^C12,0;@BBSLIST_OPEN@.11  ^C13,0;@BBSLIST_VERIFIED@^E3;^M;
  124. 01,79,014,126,01;@BBSLIST_NUM@:05 ^C15,N;@BBSLIST_NAME@.25  ^C12,N;@BBSLIST_BPSRATE@:05  ^C11,N;@BBSLIST_NUMBER@.15  ^C12,N;@BBSLIST_OPEN@.11  ^C13,N;@BBSLIST_VERIFIED@^E3;
  125. 013,032,081,063
  126. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;^C15,0;
  127. 04;^C14,1; Enter record number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  128. ^G1,1;^C14,1;  NUM ^C15,1;NAME                         ^C12,1;BPS  ^C11,1;PHONENUMBER      ^C12,1;OPEN         ^C13,1;VERIFIED^E3;^C15,0;^M;^E3;^M;
  129. ^C15,0;^E3;^M;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-View BBS info, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.     ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  130. ^C12,0;Menu is open daily from ^C15,0;%1 ^C12,0;to ^C15,0;%2^C12,0;.^M;
  131. ^C15,0;You are the first caller today!^M;
  132. 02;^E1;^C7,1; Node ^C15,1;Name                 ^C14,1;City                       ^C12,1;Bps ^C11,1;LogOn ^C11,1;LogOff ^C13,1;DURWQYN^E3;^C15,0;^M;^E3;^M;
  133. ^C7,0; @LAST_NODE@:04 ^C15,0;@LAST_NAME@.20 ^C14,0;@LAST_CITY@.24 ^C12,0;@LAST_BPSRATE@:05 ^C11,0;@LAST_LOGONTIME@:05 ^C11,0;@LAST_LOGOFFTIME@:05  ^C13,0;@LAST_WHATDONE@^M;
  134. Local
  135. ^C12,0;Your time left is reduced due to approaching system event (at ^C15,0;@NEXT_EVENT@^C12,0;).^M;
  136. ^C12,0;Your calls per day limit has been exceeded. Call again tomorrow. Bye...^M;
  137. ^C14,0;^M;Which message editor do you want to use?^M;
  138. ^C15,0;@EDITOR_KEY@^C7; - ^C11;@EDITOR_NAME@^M;
  139. ^C10,0;^M;@EDITOR_NAME@ selected.^M;
  140. ^C12,0;You no not have write rights to area ^C15,0;@MAREA_NAME@^C12,0;.^M;
  141. ^C12,0;The destination address of the net mail message to ^C15,0;%1^C12,0;^M;was empty. ^C14;Enter new destination or press <^C15,0;Enter^C12,0;> to kill message :^M;^C15,1;^L17;^C14,0;^M;
  142. ^C12,0;^M;Private message was addressed to '^C15,0;All^C12,0;'. Discarded.^M;
  143. ^C12,0;^M;No replies are allowed on area ^C15,0;@MAREA_NAME@^C12,0;. Discarded.^M;
  144. *; ;
  145. ^C14,0;^E1;^C15,1;Starting to move files...^E3;^M;
  146. ^C14,0;^M;Which packer do you want to use?^M;
  147. ^C15,0;@PACKER_KEY@^C7; - ^C11;@PACKER_NAME@^M;
  148. ^C10,0;^M;@PACKER_EXT@ selected.^M;
  149. ^C14,0;Please enter your choice (^C15;%1^C14;):
  150. ^C14,0;^M;Which transfer protocol do you want to use?^M;
  151. ^C15,0;@PROTO_KEY@^C7; - ^C11;@PROTO_NAME@^M;
  152. ^C10,0;^M;@PROTO_NAME@ selected.^M;
  153. ^C15,0;There is ^C11,0;@DISKSPACE@ ^C15,0;KB free on current disk.^M;
  154. ^C14,0;^M;Move file ^C15,0;%1 ^C14,0;from which directory : ^C15,1;^L40;^C14,0;^M;
  155. ^C10,0;^M;Press <^C14;~1Enter^C10;> to start transfer, <^C14;~2S^C10;> to abort, <^C14;~3!^C10;> to log off after transfer,^M;      <^C14;~4P^C10;> to change transfer protocol.^W;^M;
  156. ^C15,0;Start your transfer now or press <^C14;Ctrl-X^C15;> over a dozen times to abort.^M;^M;
  157. ^C12,0;Transfer aborted. Try again? (~1Y/~2n)^W;^M;
  158. ^C13,0;Logoff in ^C15;%1^C13; seconds. Press <^C14;~1!^C13;> to logoff now or <^C14;~2S^C13;> to abort logoff.^W;^M;^M;
  159. ^C14,0;^M;Where to copy files in download queue :^M;^C14,1;^L67;^C14,0;^M;
  160. ^C14,0;Which name to use? ^C14,1;^L35;^C14,0;^M;
  161. ^C14,0;Use alias? (~1y/~2N)^W;^M;
  162. ^C14,0;Public? (Original message was ^C15,0;%1^C14,0;) (~1Y/~2n)^W;^M;
  163. ^C12,0;User not found. ^C15,0;Use "^C11,0;?^C15,0;" or "^C11,0;<searchstring>?^C15,0;" to scan user names and aliases.^M;
  164. ^C14,0;^]@MAREA_KINDS@<>1;^M;Enter "^C15,0;All^C14,0;" if message is to everyone.^]1;^M;To (^C15,0;?^C14,0;=List) : ^C14,1;^L35;^C14,0;^M;
  165. ^C14,0;^M;Subj : ^E3;^C14,1;^L72;^C14,0;^M;
  166. %1 entered a message addressed to you.
  167. This message is a reply to a message originally posted^M;by @MSG_FROM@ to @MSG_TO@ on @MSG_DATE@ :^M;^M;
  168. ^C7,0;^M;[^C15,0;@TAGFILES_COUNT@ ^C7,0;files (^C15,0;@TAGFILES_KB@^C7,0;k, ^C15,0;@TAGFILES_TIME@ ^C7,0;min) already waiting in your download queue.]^M;^C14,0;Enter file(s) to download (^C15,0;Enter ^C14,0;to continue) : ^M;^C15,1;^L79;^C14,0;^M;
  169. ^C12,0;No files were found to download. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  170. 06;^C15,0;^E1;^M;Protocol: ^C11,0;@PROTO_NAME@^C15,0;^M;Files to transfer:^M;^C9,0;
  171. %1.13
  172. ^C15,0;Total of ^C11,0;%1^C15,0; files consuming ^C11,0;%2^C15,0; bytes of disk space;^M;Transfer takes about ^C11,0;%3^C15,0; minutes.^M;^M;
  173. ^C14,0;^M;Enter msg number to jump to : ^C14,1;^L6;^C14,0;^X-40;^E3;
  174. ^C12,0;^M;Are you sure to delete this message? (~2y/~1N) ^W;^X-45;^E3;
  175. ^C14,0;^M;Search for text : ^C14,1;^L40;^C14,0;^X-40;^E3;
  176. ^C15,0;Searching for next occurrence... Press ^C11,0;Ctrl-C^C15,0; to abort.^M;
  177. ^C14,0;Press <^C15;~1S^C14;> to stop, <^C15;~2C^C14;> to change information, <^C15;~3R^C14;> to remove from list,^M;      <^C15;~4V^C14;> to verify existence or <^C15;~5A^C14;> to show again. (S/C/R/V/A)^W;^M;
  178. ^C14,0;Are you sure to remove BBS from list? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  179. ^C12,0;BBS removed.^P;^M;
  180. ^C12,0;BBS verified.^P;^M;
  181. ^C14,0;Which BBS to operate : ^C14,1;^L40;^C15,0;^M;
  182. *; ;
  183. *; ;
  184. *; ;
  185. R; ;
  186. ^C14,0;Which offline format do you want to use? (^C15;~2Q^C14;)WK, (^C15;~4B^C14;)lueWave, (^C15;~3O^C14;)men, (^C15;~1A^C14;)SCII?^W;^M;
  187. ^C11,1;%2:05^X-05;
  188. ^C14,0;Last read pointer file uploaded. Are you sure to update pointers? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  189. ^C15,0;Restoring last read pointers! Please stand by, this might take a while...^M;
  190. ^C12,1; Delete file ^C15,1;@TRUE_FILE_NAME@ ^C12,1;and remove from list? (~2y/~1N) ^E3;^W;^X-40;
  191. ^C14;Please select your language:^M;
  192. ^C15,0;@LNG_KEY@^C11; - @LNG_DESC@^M;
  193. ^C14,0;Please enter your choice (^C15;%1^C14;):
  194. ^C10,0;^M;Using '@LNG_DESC@'.^M;
  195. ^C14,0;^M;Which charset do you want to use?^M;
  196. ^C15,0;@CHARSET_KEY@^C7; - ^C11;@CHARSET_NAME@^M;
  197. ^C10,0;^M;@CHARSET_NAME@ selected.^M;
  198. ^C14,0;^M;Enter your comment to next user (max. 5 lines) :^M;^C15,0;(^C7,0;----------------------------------------------------------------------------^C15,0;)^M;
  199. ^C14,1;^L79;^C15,0;^M;
  200. ^M;^C14,0;Save comment? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;^M;
  201. ^M;^C15,0;Logout comment^M;^M;^C12,0;Date : ^C14,0;@CURRDATE@ @CURRTIME@^M;^C12,0;From : ^C14,0;@NAME@ ^C12,0;from ^C14,0;@CITY@^M;^C12,0;To   : ^C14,0;Next user^M;^M;^C11,0;
  202. ^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  203. ^M;^M;^C12,0;N O D E   S H U T D O W N !   Please call back later...^M;^M;
  204. ^C10,0;Checking for new bulletins...^M;
  205. ^C10,0;No bulletins found.^M;^M;
  206. ^C10,0;Select bulletin to view (^C15,0;~AS^C10,0;=Stop, ^C15,0;%1^C10,0;) [S] : ^W;^M;^M;
  207. ^C10,0;^E1;List of bulletins :^M;
  208. ^C15,0;%1 ^C7,0;- ^C13,0;%2 ^C7,0;- ^C14,0;%4^M;
  209. ^C14,0;^X-79;Enter string to search: ^E3;^C14,1;^L40;^C15,0;^X-79;^E3;^CN,N;
  210. ^C15,0;Sysop shelled to DOS!^M;
  211. ^C15,0;Sysop came back...^M;
  212. Online message to node #%1
  213. ^C15,0;Processing file request "^C11,0;%1^C15,0;"...^M;
  214. ^C15,0;Setting message areas... Hold on...^M;
  215. ^C15,0;Message saved : ^M;^C13,0;To: ^C14,0;@MSG_TO@^M;^C13,0;Subj: ^C14,0;@MSG_SUBJ@^M;^C13,0;Area: ^C14,0;@MAREA_NAME@^M;^C11,0;@MSG_PRIV@^M;
  216. ^SLNG-0216.ANS;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  217. ^SLNG-0217.ANS;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  218. ^SLNG-0218.ANS;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  219. ^C14,0;Please send your reply message packet (^C15;*.REP^C14;, ^C15;*.NEW^C14;, ^C15;RETURN*.*^C14;) now...^M;
  220. ^C14,0;Area #  ^C15,0;Description                        ^C11,0;Total msgs  ^C12,0;Msgs to you  ^C13,0;Msgs packed^M;^C7,0;───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────^M;
  221. ^C14,0;^X-79;@MAREA_NUM@:06  ^C15,0;@MAREA_NAME@.33  ^C11,0;@MAREA_MAX@:10   ^C12,0;%1:10   ^C13,0;%2:10^E3;^M;
  222. ^C7,0;───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────^M;^C14,0;        Total                              ^C11,0;%1:10   ^C12,0;%2:10   ^C13,0;%3:10^M;^M;
  223. ^C15,0;Hold on, packing messages...^M;
  224. ^C12,0;No messages found to pack.^M;
  225. ^C15,0;Hold on, exporting BBS list... (Press ^C11;Ctrl-C ^C15,0;to abort.)^M;
  226. ^C15,0;Examining BBS list...^M;
  227. ^C12,0;BBS not found!^M;
  228. ^C12,0;Duplicate BBS name found - you have to give another BBS name.^M;New name: ^C14,1;^L35;^C15,0;^M;^M;
  229. ^C13,0;BBS named "^C15,0;@BBSLIST_NAME@^C13,0;" has not been verified since ^C15,0;@BBSLIST_VERIFIED@^C13,0;^M;If this BBS is still operating, please (^C15,0;V^C13,0;)erify it to keep it in BBS list.^M;^C15,0;Press ^C11,0;ENTER ^C15,0;to see BBS information.^A;^M;
  230. 04;^C14,1; Set combined areas : ^E3;^L40;
  231. 04;^C14,1; Set combined areas : ^E3;^L40;
  232. ^C15,0;Setting areas, hold on...^M;
  233. ^C12,0;Max number of messages in one packet exceeded. No more added to this packet...^M;
  234. ^C12,0;Out of disk space. No more messages added to this packet...^M;
  235. ^M;New files list from %1 to %2 (%3 days).
  236. ^C15,0;Exporting new files list... (Press ^C11,0;Ctrl-C ^C15,0;to abort.)^M;
  237. ^C15,0;Area: ^C11,0;@FAREA_NAME@ ^C15,0;... ^E3;^C14,0;
  239. ^C7,0;[Scanning...]^E3;^X-15;
  240. ^C7,0;[WAIT]^X-10;
  241. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  242. ^M;■ Detecting terminal emulation...^M;^M;
  243. ^C15,0;^E1;Flagged files list :^M;^M;
  244. 05,03; ^C14,0;%1:03. ^C13,0;%2:12 ^C11,0;%3:04^C10,0;k
  245. ^M;^C15,0;Total of ^C11,0;@TAGFILES_COUNT@ ^C15,0;files (^C11,0;@TAGFILES_KB@^C15,0;k, ^C11,0;@TAGFILES_TIME@ ^C15,0;min). DL limit left ^C11,0;@LIMIT_LEFT@^C15,0;k, time left ^C11,0;@TIME_LEFT@ ^C15,0;min.^M;^M;
  246. ^C7,0;(^C14,0;~1S^C7,0;)^C15,0;top, ^C7,0;(^C14,0;~2R^C7,0;)^C15,0;emove file(s) from download queue? ^W;^M;^M;
  247. ^C14,0;Which files to remove from download queue? Give name(s) or number(s)...^M;^C14,1;^L79;^C14,0;^M;^M;
  248. ^C12,0;@FILE_NAME_EXT@ is duplicate and will be removed!^M;
  249. ^C15,0;^M;Checking uploaded file ^C11,0;%1 ^C15,0;...^M;
  250. ^C12,0;VIRUS found from uploaded file!!!^M;
  251. ^C15,0;Tossing message packet to message base...^M;
  252. ^C12,0;Duplicate message found from message packet. Deleted. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  253. * List of users in chat channel %2 :^M;Node Nick            Name                                City
  254. @WHO_NUM@:04 %1.15 @WHO_NAME@.35 @WHO_CITY@
  255. * List of chat channels :^M;  # Name                           Users Topic
  256. %1:03 %2.30 %3:05 %4.35
  257. 007,012,013,011,014,031
  258. No users in this channel.
  259. #concord
  260. 01;^C15,0;^E1;Welcome to Concord multinode chat system.^M;^C14,0;Type ^C15,0;/HELP ^C14,0;for help screen.^M;
  261. %1 (@NAME@ from @CITY@) joins the channel...
  262. %1 (@NAME@) is now known as %2
  263. Changing current chat channel to %2 (%3 users), title: "%4".
  264. Changing current chat channel title to "%4".
  265. %1 (@NAME@ from @CITY@) leaves the channel...
  266. ^C15,0;Message marked...^P;^M;
  267. *; ;
  269. ^C12,0;Sorry, file ^C15,0;%1 ^C12,0;is not accepted due to system policy.^M;
  270. ^C15,0;File ^C11,0;%1 ^C15,0;requires password.^M;
  271. ^C15,0;QWK setup: Adding msg area ^C11,0;@MAREA_NAME@ ^C15,0;to user combined boards.^M;
  272. ^C15,0;QWK setup: Adding msg area ^C11,0;@MAREA_NAME@ ^C15,0;to user combined boards and^M;setting last read pointers to #^C11,0;@LASTREADPTR@ ^C15,0;of ^C11,0;@MAREA_MAX@ ^C15,0;msgs.^M;
  273. ^C15,0;QWK setup: Dropping msg area ^C11,0;@MAREA_NAME@ ^C15,0;from user combined boards.^M;
  274. ^C15,0;An aphorism for today :^M;^C14,0;
  275. ^C15,0;^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  276. ^C15,0;Forwarding message...^M;
  277.  * Originally by @MSG_FROM@^M; * Originally to @MSG_TO@^M; * Originally dated on @MSG_DATE@^M;^M;
  278. ^C15,0;Editing message...^M;
  279. ^C14,0;Do you want to change message area from ^C15,0;@MAREA_NAME@^C14,0;? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  280. ^C14,0;Do you want to edit message text? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  281. ^C15,0;^E1;Thanks for using Concord multinode chat.^M;
  282. ^X-80;^C15,0;/HELP^C14,0;-Help screen   ^C15,0;/QUIT^C14,0;-Exit chat   ^C15,0;/JOIN^C14,0;-Join channel^E3;^M;
  283. ^C14,0;<^C15,0;~1C^C14,0;>ontinue or <^C15,0;~2R^C14,0;>eply to message? ^W;^M;
  284. ^C15,0;Detected terminal emulation ^C11,0;@EMULATION2@^C15,0; differs from your old settings. ^C14,0;Keep it? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  285. ^C15,0;Copying file %1 (size %2) to temp path...^M;
  286. ^C14,0;^E1;   # ^C11,0;Group ^C15,0;Name                      ^C13,0;CP ^C11,0;Total msgs     ^C13,0;New  ^C12,0;Personal^M;
  287. ^C14,0;@MAREA_NUM@:04  ^C11,0;@MAREA_GROUP@.03  ^C15,0;@MAREA_NAME@.25 ^C13,0;@MAREA_COMB@:01@MAREA_PKT@:01 ^C11,0;@MAREA_MAX@:10 ^C13,0;@MAREA_NEW@:07 ^C12,0;@MAREA_PERS@:08^M;
  288. ^C15,0;Total of ^C14,0;%1 ^C15,0;new messages (of which ^C14,0;%2 ^C15,0;personal messages).^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  289. available
  290. not available
  291. ^C15,0;Message unmarked...^P;^M;
  292. 015;^C15,1; %1
  293. 014;^C15,1; @NAME@.35                 Time:       Mins:
  294. 60,2,31;72,2,31;018,002,025,023,026,007,001,017
  295. ^C14,0;^E1;Type ^C15,0;/HELP ^C14,0;in the beginning of the line to get editor help.^M;^C13,0;#   ^C15,0;(^C7,0;-------------------------------------------------------------------------^C15,0;)^M;
  296. %1:04 %2
  297. ^X-5;^C14,0;~2A^C15;bort ^C14;~1C^C15;ontinue ^C14;~3D^C15;isplay ^C14;~4E^C15;dit ^C14;~5H^C15;elp ^C14;~6I^C15;nsert ^C14;~7K^C15;ill ^C14;~8M^C15;ove ^C14;~9Q^C15;uote ^C14;~AR^C15;edraw ^C14;~BS^C15;ave ^C7;[^C14;C^C7;] : ^W;^M;
  298. ^C14,0;Do you want to abort this message? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  299. ^C14,0;Edit line number : ^C14,1;^L4;^C11,0;^M;
  300. ^C14,0;Where to insert line (^C15,0;Empty ^C14,0;= End of message) : ^C14,1;^L4;^C11,0;^M;
  301. ^C14,0;Which line(s) to kill? (^C15,0;Empty ^C14,0;= Nothing)^M;
  302. ^C14,0;Which line(s) to move? (^C15,0;Empty ^C14,0;= Nothing)^M;
  303. ^C14,0;Which line(s) to quote? (^C15,0;Empty ^C14,0;= Nothing, ^C15,0;/? ^C14,0;= View original text)^M;
  304. ^C14,0;From line : ^C14,1;^L4;^C11,0;^M;
  305. ^C14,0;To line   : ^C14,1;^L4;^C11,0;^M;
  306. ^C14,0;Save message? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  307. ^C14,0;Where to move lines (^C15,0;Empty ^C14,0;= End of message) : ^C14,1;^L4;^C11,0;^M;
  308. ^C15,0;Display text from line : ^C14,1;^L4;^C11,0;^M;
  309. 07,219,220;^C14,0;^E1;^C14,1; Concord BBS system users age statistics histogram^E3;^C14,0;^M;^M;Listing ^C15,0;%1 ^C14,0;users with an average age of ^C15,0;%4.04 ^C14,0;years.^M;^C15,0;%3^M;^C7,0;
  310. ^C7,0;      │  ^C11,0;%1^M;
  311. ^C7,0;──────┴───┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬───^M;^C14,0;Age ->  - 07 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 +^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  312. ^C14,0;Do you want to pack messages prepared so far? (~2Y/~1n) ^W;^M;
  313. %1 Offline message packet (%2 messages)^M;
  314. ^C14,0;Enter filename(s) to erase in local file attach path : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  315. ^C14,0;Erase ALL files attached to you? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  316. ^C14,0;Attach file(s) to whom (^C15,0;?^C14,0;=List) : ^C15,1;^L35;^C14,0;^M;
  317. ^C15,0;Hold on, packing new files list...^M;
  318. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@VOTE_NUM@:05^C13,0;@VOTE_NEW@ ^C15,0;@VOTE_QUESTION@.53 ^C11,0;@VOTE_DATE@.08 ^C13,0;@VOTE_USERSTATUS@.09^E3;^M;
  319. 01,79,014,126,01;@VOTE_NUM@:05^C13,N;@VOTE_NEW@ ^C15,N;@VOTE_QUESTION@.53 ^C11,N;@VOTE_DATE@.08 ^C13,N;@VOTE_USERSTATUS@.09^E3;
  320. 013,032,081,063
  321. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;
  322. 04;^C14,1; Enter record number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  323. ^G1,1;^C14,1;  NUM  ^C15,1;VOTE QUESTION                                         ^C11,1;DATE     ^C13,1;YOUR VOTE^E3;^C15,0;^M;^E3;^M;
  324. ^C15,0;^E3;^M;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Vote, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.              ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  325. *; ;
  326. Voted
  327. Not voted
  328. Private
  329.  Public
  330. ^C15,0;Listing local attach files :^M;
  331. ^C15,0;^E1;^C15,1; Concord Vote System / Add Question^E3;^C14,0;^M;^M; Enter question ^C15,0;%1^C14,0; :^M;^M;
  332. ^C14,1; ^L78;^C14,0;^M;
  333. ^C14,0;^M; Now give the possible vote selections (^C15,0;empty line ^C14,0;to end) :^M;^M;
  334. ^C11,0; %1) ^C14,1;^L60;^C14,0;^M;
  335. ^C14,0;^M; Do you want to allow users to share points to these selections? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  336. ^C14,0; ... How many points? (^C15,0;1-100^C14,0;) ^C14,1;^L3;^C14,0;^M;
  337. ^C14,0; ... To how many selections can user share points? (^C15,0;Empty ^C14,0;= All) ^C14,1;^L2;^C14,0;^M;
  338. ^C14,0; Can user add more selections? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  339. ^C14,0; Can user change his vote later? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  340. ^C14,0; Can user look at vote results before voting? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  341. ^C14,0; Do you want to save this vote question? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  342. ^C15,0; Saved.^M;
  343. ^C15,0; Not saved.^M;
  344. ^C12,0; Are you sure to abort? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  345. 9;^C15,0;^E1;^C15,1; Concord Vote System^E3;^C14,0;^M;^M;
  346. ^C15,0; Question ^C14,0;@VOTE_NUM@ ^C15,0;by ^C14,0;@VOTE_ADDEDBY@ ^C15,0;on ^C14,0;@VOTE_DATE@ ^C15,0;:^M;^M;^C11,0; @VOTE_QUESTION@^M;^M;^C14,0; @VOTE_USERS@ ^C15,0;users voted so far.^M;^M;
  347. ^C15,0; Possible votes are :^M;
  348. ^C11,0; %1) ^C12,0;%2.60 %3^M;
  349. ^C15,0;^M; Your vote : %1^M;^M;
  350. ^C15,0;^M; You have ^C11,0;%1 ^C15,0;points left.^M;^M;
  351. R;D;A;Q;?;^SLNG-0351.ANS;^C14,1;^L2;^C14,0;^M;^M;
  352. %1:03 points.
  353. Selected.
  354. ^C12,0; Are you sure to delete this question? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  355. ^C14,0; Returning back to vote questions... Do you wish to see vote results? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  356. ^C14,0; How many points do you want to give for number ^C15,0;%1^C14,0; (^C15,0;%3^C14,0; points left) ? ^C14,1;^L3;^C15,0;^M;
  357. ^C14,0; %1 ^C15,0;points given. You have ^C14,0;%2 ^C15,0;points left.^M;
  358. ^C15,0; Number ^C14,0;%1 ^C15,0;(^C14,0;%2^C15,0;) selected.^M;
  359. 4;^C15,0;^E1;^C15,1; Concord Vote System / Results^E3;^C14,0;^M;^M;
  360. ^C14,0; #  ^C15,0;Vote                                          ^C11,0;Yours            ^C12,0;Others^M;^M;
  361. ^C14,0;%1:02) ^C15,0;%2.45 ^C11,0;%3.12 ^C12,0;%4:06 %5:06%^M;
  362. ^C15,0;^M; Total :                                                       ^C12,0;%1:06^M;^M; ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  363. ^C14,0; Add new vote selection (^C15,0;Enter ^C14,0;to discard) : ^M;^C14,1;^L60;^C15,0;^M;^M;
  364. ^C14,0;Do you wish to get a receipt when the recipient gets your message? (~1y/~2N) ^W;^M;
  365. ^C12,0;You cannot share points to any more selections. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  366. ^C12,0;You cannot change your vote for this question. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  367. ^C12,0;You cannot preview results before voting. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  368. ^C12,0;You cannot delete this question. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  369. ^C12,0;You cannot add new selections for this question. ^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  371. ^C12,0;Do you really want to abort setting areas? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  372. ^C7,0;^X-80;File ^C14,0;@TRUE_FILE_NAME@ ^C7,0;found from area ^C14,0;@FAREA_NAME@.35
  373. ^C15,0;Hold on, scanning nodelist...^M;
  374. ^C14,0;%1.30 ^C12,0;%3.30 ^C7,0;(^C11,0;%2^C7,0;)^M;
  375. ^C12,0;User not found from the nodelist!^M;
  376. ^C12,0;Cannot send online message; user has logged off.^M;
  377. Chatting as %2 in node chat channel %1
  378. Nick %1 is already in use. Please select another one.
  379. User %1 has already left node chat.
  380. ^C14,0;Download file descriptions? (~1Y/~2n) ^W;^M;
  381. ^C15,0;Collecting descriptions... Hold on.^M;
  382. M; ;
  383. Sunday
  384. Monday
  385. Tuesday
  386. Wednesday
  387. Thursday
  388. Friday
  389. Saturday
  390. ^C15,0;^L79,UPPER,KEEP;
  391. ^C14,0;Verify net address for user ^C15,0;%1^C14,0; : ^C14,1;^L20;^C15,0;^M;
  392. Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec
  393.  * Reply to message originally on area @MAREA_NAME@^M;
  394. ^C14,0;Send reply in netmail? (~2y/~1N) ^W;^M;
  395. ^C12,0;Not enough time (^C15,0;@TIME_LEFT@ ^C12,0;min) left to download all flagged files.^M;^SLNG-0241.ANS;
  396. ^C12,0;Not enough disk space for uploads!^M;
  397. ^C14,0;List files in path ^C15,0;%1 ^C14,0;(Wildcards valid) : ^C14,1;^L12;^C15,0;^M;
  398. ^C12,0;Login name not accepted. Please give your real name.^M;
  399. ^C12,1; Suggest deleting file ^C15,1;@TRUE_FILE_NAME@^C12,1;? (~2y/~1N) ^E3;^W;^X-40;
  400. ^C14,0;Where to export : ^C14,1;^L60,UPPER;^C14,0;^M;
  401. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@SELGROUP_NUM@:05  ^C11,0;@SELGROUP_NAME@.03  ^C13,0;@SELGROUP_MAREA@:01 @SELGROUP_FAREA@:01 @SELGROUP_DOOR@:01 ^C15,0;@SELGROUP_DESC@.60^E3;^M;
  402. 01,37,014,126,01;@SELGROUP_NUM@:05  ^C11,N;@SELGROUP_NAME@.03  ^C13,N;@SELGROUP_MAREA@:01 @SELGROUP_FAREA@:01 @SELGROUP_DOOR@:01 ^C15,N;@SELGROUP_DESC@.60^E3;
  403. 013,032,081,063
  404. 04;^C14,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;
  405. 04;^C14,1; Enter group number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  406. ^G1,1;^C14,1;    # ^C11,1;GROUP ^C13,1;M F D ^C15,1;DESCRIPTION^E3;^C15,0;^M;^E3;^M;
  407. ^C15,0;^E3;^M;^C14,1; Keys: ^C15;Enter^C14;-Select, ^C15;Space^C14;-Find, ^C15;Q^C14;-Cancel, ^C15;1-9^C14;-Jump.              ^]@LIST_MOREUP@=1;[PGUP]^]@LIST_MOREUP@=0;      ^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=1;[PGDN]^]@LIST_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^C15,0;
  408. %1 message areas affected. Press Enter. ^A;
  409. %1 file areas affected. Press Enter. ^A;
  410. ^G1,1;^C15,1; Concord Full Screen Editor               Ctrl-O = Menu         Time left: @TIME_LEFT@:04^E3;^C14,0;^M;^C14,2;Area: @MAREA_SHORT@.15 To: @MSG_TO@.25 Subj: @MSG_SUBJ@.20^E3;
  411. ^G76,1;^C15,1;@TIME_LEFT@:04^GN,N;^CN,N;
  412. 010,011,065;001;002;003;004;005;006;007;008;009;010;011,069;012;013;014;015;016;017;018;019;020;021;022;023;024;025;026;011,065;373;375;374;388;279;011,063;011,067
  413. ^G1,1;^C14,0; ~1C^C15;ontinue ^C14;~2S^C15;ave ^C14;~3A^C15;bort ^C14;~4Q^C15;uote ^C14;~5H^C15;elp ^C7;[^C14;C^C7;] : ^E3;^W;^C14,0;
  414. ^C15,1;Quote Window : (Enter to quote, Ctrl-Q to return.) ^E3;^C14,0;
  415. ^G1,1;^C14,0; Edit message header? (~1Y/~2n) ^E3;^W;
  416. ^G1,1;^C13,0; Which file to import: ^E3;^C14,1;^L40,UPPER;^C14,0;
  417. ^G1,1;^C13,0; Search for string: ^E3;^C14,1;^L40,UPPER;^C14,0;
  418. ^G1,1;^C14,0; Save message? (~1Y/~2n) ^E3;^W;
  419. ^G1,1;^C14,0; Abort message? (~1Y/~2n) ^E3;^W;
  420. ^C14,0;Enter "sender" name for this message : ^C14,1;^L35;^C14,0;^M;
  421. === Cut ===
  422. ^C12,0;You cannot address your message to Sysop in echo area.^M;
  423. 01,Y,Y,Y;^C14,0;@USERLIST_NAME@.25 ^C13,0;@USERLIST_ALIAS@.25 ^C12,0;@USERLIST_CITY@.20  ^C11,0;@USERLIST_SECLVL@:05^E3;^M;
  424. 01,37,014,112,01;@USERLIST_NAME@.25 ^C13,N;@USERLIST_ALIAS@.25 ^C12,N;@USERLIST_CITY@.20  ^C11,N;@USERLIST_SECLVL@:05^E3;
  425. 013,032,081,063
  426. 04;^C13,1; Enter search string : ^E3;^L20;
  427. 04;^C13,1; Enter user number : ^E3;^L5,KEEP;
  428. ^G1,1;^C15,1;Name                      Alias                     City                 SecLvl^E3;^C15,0;^M;^E3;^M;
  429. ^C15,0;^E3;^M;^C15,1; Press ENTER to select user, SPACE to find user or Q to cancel.^E3;
  430. ^C12,0;^M;Copying file %1 (size %2) to temp path failed.^M;
  431. ^C15,0;^L79,KEEP;
  432. Chat channel %1 does not exist.
  433. Chat channel %1 does not exist, creating a new one.
  434. Default topic.
  435. ^C12,0;You do not have upload rights to this area.^M;
  437. ^C12,0;You do not have read rights to area @MAREA_NAME@.^M;
  439. ---
  440. 8
  441. ### SHORT FILE LIST ...........................................................
  442. Short file list
  443. ^C12,0;@FILE_TAGGED@ ^C14,0;@FILE_NAME_EXT@^C11,0;@FILE_SIZE_KB@:04^C7,0;k ^C10,0;@FILE_DATE_SMALL@ ^C7,0;^C13,0;@FILE_DLCOUNT@:02^C7,0; ^C15,0;@FILE_DESC@.47^M;
  444. ^C15,0;                              @FILE_DESC@.47^M;
  445. ^C13,0;@FILE_TEXTLINE@^M;
  446. ^C12,0;  @FILE_NAME_EXT@     ^C8,0;OFFLINE    ^C15,0;@FILE_DESC@.47^M;
  447. ^C12,0;@FILE_TAGGED@ ^C15,1;@FILE_NAME_EXT@
  448. ^C12,0;@FILE_TAGGED@ ^C14,0;@FILE_NAME_EXT@
  449. ^C10,1;#^CP,P;
  450. ### DEFAULT FILE LIST .........................................................
  451. Default file list
  452. ^C12,0;@FILE_TAGGED@ ^C14,0;@FILE_NAME_EXT@^C11,0;@FILE_SIZE_BYTES@:08^C7,0; ^C10,0;@FILE_DATE_BIG@ ^C7,0;@FILE_DESC@.00Uploader: @FILE_UPLOADER@.35^M;
  453. ^C15,0;                                 @FILE_DESC@.45^M;
  454. ^C13,0;@FILE_TEXTLINE@^M;
  455. ^C12,0;  @FILE_NAME_EXT@       ^C8,0;OFFLINE     ^C15,0;@FILE_DESC@.45^M;
  456. ^C12,0;@FILE_TAGGED@>
  457. ^C12,0;@FILE_TAGGED@ ^C12,0;
  458. ^C10,1;#^CP,P;
  459. ---
  460. 14
  461. ### SHORT READ MSG ............................................................
  462. Fast read msg
  463. 04;00;02;10;11;07;-;+;Q;D;U;C;A;P;N;S;J;H;M;G;R;W;/;K;#;=;F;E;T;);L;X
  464. ^]@MSG_MOREFIRST@=0;^G1,45;^]@MSG_MOREFIRST@=1;
  465. ^C14,0;^E1; From: ^C15,0;@MSG_FROM@.35  ^C15,0;@MSG_NUM@/@MAREA_MAX@ (@MAREA_SHORT@)^M;
  466. ^C14,0; To:   ^C15,0;@MSG_TO@.35 ^C15,0;@MSG_DATE@:08 @MSG_TIME@:05 ^C7,0;@MSG_PREVREP@<->@MSG_NEXTREP@ ^C13,0;@MSG_RCVD@:01^M;
  467. ^C14,0; Subj: ^C15,0;@MSG_SUBJ@^M;^]1;
  468. ^C7,0; ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────^]@MSG_MOREUP@=1;[^C14,1;  UP  ^C7,0;]^]@MSG_MOREUP@=0;────────^]1;────^M;
  469. ^C7,0;(%1)^CN,N;
  470. ^C7,0; ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────^]@MSG_MOREDOWN@=1;[^C14,1; DOWN ^C7,0;]^]@MSG_MOREDOWN@=0;────────^]1;────^M;
  471. ^C15,0; ^]@MSG_MOREDOWN@=1;Pg^C7;[^C14;D^C7;]^C15;n^]@MSG_MOREDOWN@=0;      ^]1; ^]@MSG_MOREUP@=1;Pg^C7;[^C14;U^C7;]^C15;p^]@MSG_MOREUP@=0;      ^]1; ^C7;[^C14;P^C7;]^C15;rev ^C7;[^C14;N^C7;]^C15;ext
  472.  ^C7;[^C14;R^C7;]^C15;eply ^C7;[^C14;J^C7;]^C15;ump ^C7;[^C14;S^C7;]^C15;top ^C7;[^C14;H^C7;]^C15;elp^M;
  475. ^C10,1;#^CP,P;
  476. ### DEFAULT READ MSG ..........................................................
  477. Default read msg
  478. 05;00;05;15;07;08;-;+;Q;D;U;C;A;P;N;S;J;H;M;G;R;W;/;K;#;=;F;E;T;);L;X
  479. ^C15,0;^E1;^C0,6; Message @MSG_NUM@/@MAREA_MAX@ on board @MAREA_NAME@^E3;^M;
  480. ^C15,1; Date: ^C14,1;@MSG_DATE@:09 @MSG_TIME@:05^E3;^M;
  481. ^C15,1; From: ^C14,1;@MSG_FROM@ @MSG_ORIGADDR@^E3;^M;
  482. ^C15,1; To:   ^C14,1;@MSG_TO@ @MSG_DESTADDR@^E3;^M;
  483. ^C15,1; Subj: ^C14,1;@MSG_SUBJ@^E3;^C15,0;^M;
  484. ^C7,1;(%1)^CN,N;
  485.  ^C7,0;(^C14;-^C7;)^C15; Prev Reply  ^C7;(^C14;+^C7;)^C15; Next Reply ^C7;(^C14;Q^C7;)^C15; Quit Replies ^C7;(^C14;L^C7;)^C15; Msg list   ^C7;(^C14;H^C7;)^C15; Help^M;
  486.  ^C7,0;(^C14;D^C7;)^C15; Page Down   ^C7;(^C14;U^C7;)^C15; Page Up    ^C7;(^C14;C^C7;)^C15; Continous    ^C7;(^C14;A^C7;)^C15; Page Again ^C7;(^C14;T^C7;)^C15; Toggle ptr^M;
  487.  ^C7,0;(^C14;P^C7;)^C15; Prev Msg    ^C7;(^C14;N^C7;)^C15; Next Msg   ^C7;(^C14;S^C7;)^C15; Stop Read    ^C7;(^C14;J^C7;)^C15; Jump Msg   ^C7;(^C14;/^C7;)^C15; Find Msg^M;
  488.  ^C7,0;(^C14;M^C7;)^C15; Mark Msg    ^C7;(^C14;G^C7;)^C15; Goto Area  ^C7;(^C14;R^C7;)^C15; Reply To     ^C7;(^C14;W^C7;)^C15; Write New  ^C7;(^C14;E^C7;)^C15; Edit Msg^M;
  489.  ^C7,0;(^C14;K^C7;)^C15; Keep Unread ^C7;(^C14;#^C7;)^C15; Delete     ^C7;(^C14;=^C7;)^C15; Priv/Public  ^C7;(^C14;F^C7;)^C15; Forward    ^C7;(^C14;X^C7;)^C15; Reply to area^M;
  490. ^C10,1;#^CP,P;